Dynopat Training is the brainchild of Delipat, a company with years of experience in Salesforce Implementation

Lead is a person showing interest in your product or service. Once a lead is generated, the sales executive talks to the lead and tries to convert him. If the lead shows interest in doing business, the lead is converted.

In the last article/video, we discussed the lead life cycle and lead conversion. This article/video will give you insights on account and contact in Salesforce.

Once any lead is converted in Salesforce, it becomes account, contact and opportunity. The lead owner (sales executive) becomes the account owner, contact owner and opportunity owner. After conversion, a new account, new contact and new opportunity get created with the existing lead information.

For example, John representing XYZ Pvt. Ltd. is a lead who has been converted. Information of John is then divided and mapped into account, contact and opportunity. Rajesh, the owner of the lead (Sales executive), becomes the owner of the account, contact and opportunity. 

Lead data in Salesforce before conversion

Lead data mapped to account, contact and opportunity upon conversion.

When you observe, you will have all the details entered for the lead, match the account, contact and opportunity details.

Account management in Salesforce

Account refers to the company or business that becomes your customer. In the above example, XYZ Pvt. Ltd. is the account. Upon conversion, a new account is automatically created. 

Details of the customer can now be viewed, edited or deleted in the account object.

If the business or company is already your customer, their account exists. In such cases, you can tag the new contact and opportunity under the existing account by selecting the existing account while converting the lead to account.

Salesforce is an excellent CRM that allows you to capture all the data related to a single account in one single place and you can view, edit and delete all the data in a single place. You need not visit the contacts and opportunities tab again and again to view the data. All data related to the account appears in the related lists in the account record detail page.

Contact Management in Salesforce

Contact is the contact person of the company or business. In the above example, John is the contact. One account can have multiple contacts, just like one business having multiple contact persons.

The contact details related to an account appear on the related lists of the account record and also separately in the contact object. You can click on the contacts tab and view, edit or delete contact details.

You can also add multiple contacts to a single account by clicking on the New button from the account related lists. All the contacts of a single account will be displayed in the same related lists.

If you observe we there is no monetary transaction happening. All the transactions occurring with the account are captured in the opportunity object. 

I hope this article/video gave you an overview of account and contact management in Salesforce. We will discuss the opportunity object in the next article/video.

By admin

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